Entry Sixty Four- Chronic Stress

Being totally transparent, I went back on anxiety medication. I slowly realized that I was no longer feeling like myself and that I wanted to feel better. I don’t feel stigmatized by having to take medication, but maybe subconsciously I had prided myself on being able to manage my anxiety with exercise, writing, and therapyContinue reading “Entry Sixty Four- Chronic Stress”

Entry Sixty Three- “Fix You”

“When you try your best, but you don’t succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something, you can’t replace When you love someone, but it goes toContinue reading “Entry Sixty Three- “Fix You””

Entry Sixty Two- “Interesting”

I have thought about that pediatric neurologist a lot since we left her office that day. I have thought about why she would have selected that particular field of medicine given her seemingly lack of compassion or consideration for her patients and their families. (For Reference see Entry Fifty Nine- Feeling Acknowledged). It didn’t makeContinue reading “Entry Sixty Two- “Interesting””

Entry Sixty One- He’s Cute, Right?

My son… he’s cute, right? I am his mom and probably a little biased, but he is cute, right? He has the most beautiful blue eyes and his sweet little smile can truly light up a room. It isn’t only me who thinks so…“He is so sweet I could work with him all day” ourContinue reading “Entry Sixty One- He’s Cute, Right?”

Entry Sixty- Same Worries, Different Circumstance

I can’t help but think of that woman I saw on the beach… The woman who was wearing the large sunhat that covered her perfectly bald head. (Entry Fifty Six- Acknowledgement) I had a therapy appointment a couple of weeks ago and I mentioned that interaction to my social worker. I became just as emotionalContinue reading “Entry Sixty- Same Worries, Different Circumstance”

Entry Fifty Six- Acknowledgement

We went to the beach today. I was with my kids in the water when I heard a familiar voice asking my husband a question about our beach tent. I turned and looked and didn’t immediately recognize the woman. But I did notice her perfect bald head hidden by a large sunhat. It took meContinue reading “Entry Fifty Six- Acknowledgement”

Entry Fifty Five- Support Groups

After Oscar was first diagnosed, I was made aware of several different support groups relevant to our new situation. My parents eagerly joined these groups. I was a lot more hesitant. Perhaps I was in denial… By the time Oscar was 4months old we had been through a lot and had learned of both ofContinue reading “Entry Fifty Five- Support Groups”

Entry Forty Eight- My Alias

Sharing can be scary and believe it or not, I am scared of sharing. I still prefer to hide behind my “@arealmomstory” alias. Many of my social media “friends” from my personal social media accounts are unaware of my “real mom story”. In my posts I reveal my deepest thoughts and currently I am onlyContinue reading “Entry Forty Eight- My Alias”

Entry Forty Six- Pressure

Somedays more than others I feel an extreme amount of pressure. There is so much pressure raising kids in general and even more so when your child has special needs. In regards to Olivia (my perfectly typical daughter) we ensure that she is enriched socially, cognitively, physically and emotionally. With Oscar (my perfect neuro- atypicalContinue reading “Entry Forty Six- Pressure”

Entry Forty Five- “Small Percentages”

Back in October of 2020 Oscar had tubes put in his ears in the hopes of correcting some of his conductive hearing loss. The day of his procedure I was nervous (like any parent of any child going under a general anesthesia would be). Things had (have) been going so well and I was worriedContinue reading “Entry Forty Five- “Small Percentages””